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PHP pagination

This post will focus more on covering the fundamentals of how pagination is done in a programming language, and, of course, the language we will use is PHP.

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PHP array_key_exists function

The PHP function array_key_exists checks whether the given value exists as a key in the provided array.

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PHP array_is_list function

The PHP function array_is_list checks whether the provided array is a list. However, don't confuse this with the list function. What it means by "a list" is whether the array is indexed and starts at 0. This way, we can use list if the array meets these criteria.

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PHP array_rand function

With the PHP function array_rand, we can obtain one or more random keys from the provided array

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PHP array_key_last function

It retrieves the last key of the array without affecting the pointer's position within the array.

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