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PHP next function

La función de PHP next pasa el puntero a la siguiente posición interna en el array, ademas devuelve el siguiente valor del array

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PHP key function

The PHP key function retrieves the key of an array. This key or key is the one of the element to which the array is pointing, being the internal pointer.

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PHP for and foreach statements

Generally, in PHP, for and foreach are used to traverse an array. Similar to while, for and foreach execute code while certain conditions are met. for The for statement has 3 expressions, the first one is the initial value of the iteration, or the value where the loop starts; the second one is the condition, […]

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PHP while and do-while statements

One of the simplest ways PHP has to create a loop or repeat a block of code while a condition is met is while, and we can also use do-while to go through the block at least once.

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PHP if statement

In this section, we will see the different ways to use the PHP if statement. This control structure allows us to execute code depending on a condition. In the following sections, we will refer to this condition as an expression. Expressions can be formed with comparison and logical operators to obtain a boolean result. if […]

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