On PHP the great quantity of variables have a single scope. <?php $variable = "hola mundo"; include "archivo.php"; ?> The variable $varaible is disponible in archive.php except in function. Inside functions variables are in local scope, you can access varaibles inside that function. When we are using functions, we have 3 different situations in where […]
Leer mas..Check if a constant was defined. In order to get true as return, you need to define a constant define with the name passed as the parameter. Description defined(string $constant_name): bool Sintaxis defiend($constant_name):bool Parameter $constant_name – a string with the name of the constant, for example'BLASTCODING_CONSTANT'. Remember that constant are written in uppercase and separated […]
Leer mas..Creates an array that contains a range of elements from $start to $end. Example: if my start value is 0 and the $end value is 70 and my step value is 10 the values of my array elements are: 0, 10, 20, 30 ,40, 50, 60, 70.
Leer mas..The fgetcsv function gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields
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