Check if a constant was defined. In order to get true as return, you need to define a constant define with the name passed as the parameter. Description defined(string $constant_name): bool Sintaxis defiend($constant_name):bool Parameter $constant_name – a string with the name of the constant, for example'BLASTCODING_CONSTANT'. Remember that constant are written in uppercase and separated […]
Leer mas..Creates an array that contains a range of elements from $start to $end. Example: if my start value is 0 and the $end value is 70 and my step value is 10 the values of my array elements are: 0, 10, 20, 30 ,40, 50, 60, 70.
Leer mas..The fgetcsv function gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields
Leer mas..Today we are going to see compact() function on PHP, although it seems pretty simple what it does, it could help you to save time and will also make your code a bit more verbose.
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