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PHP global – variable scope

On PHP the great quantity of variables have a single scope.

Single scope
   $variable = "hola mundo";
   include "archivo.php";

The variable $varaible is disponible in archive.php except in function. Inside functions variables are in local scope, you can access varaibles inside that function.

When we are using functions, we have 3 different situations in where we can access the parent scope: using referenced parameter; second, using global inside the function to access the variable that is $GLOBAL array; 3 using use in anonymous function.

Local variable
function myfunction(){
	$local = "this is a local variable";
	echo "inside function:".$local;
echo $local;
inside function:this is a local variable
Notice: Undefined variable: local in /home/user/scripts/code.php on line 8
Check that the variable continues being local
$parent ="text not defined";
function myfunction($local){
	$local = "this is a local variable";
	echo "inside function:".$local."\n";
echo $parent;
inside function:this is a local variable
text not defined

When we change the variable inside the function this one not change the parent variable $local

Parameter passed by reference.

As we see before, when a variable is passed by reference, this will change the parent value if this one is modified.

Example of variable passed by reference:

$parent ="text not defined";
function myfunction(&$local){
	$local = "this is a local variable";
	echo "inside function:".$local."\n";
echo $parent;
inside function:this is a local variable
this is a local variable

Now $parent will have the value “this is a local variable”

Using use in Anonymous Functions

Since PHP 7 we can use the term use in anonymus functions that permit us to use a variable from the parent scope.

funcion anonima utilizando use

$message ="mort dijo: Hola tu";
$example = function () use ($message): string {
    return $message;

echo $example();

Watch that we are using $example() and not $example this is cause that $example is an object(closure).

The word global y $_GLOBAL

Inside a function, we can use global world that permit access to the global variable, for example global $a permit us use $_GLOBAL[‘a’].

If you execute the following code and take a look at the variable value $a would not be more “hello word”, it would be “Bienvenidos”.

ejemplo usando global
function cambioDeTexto(){
   global $a;
   $a = "Bienvenido";

$a = "hello word";
echo "<p>$a</p>";
echo "<p>$a</p>";
hello word


In this case $a is a global variable and is in $GLOBALS array. Probably this example makes you wonder

¿single scope are global variables? Lets check that.

single scope variable and $GLOBALS
$a = "hola";
echo $GLOBALS["a"];
Category: en-php
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