Standalone FrankenPHP Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

This will be a small document about how to install the FrankenPHP server in standalone mode, a very good server for websites created in PHP, such as projects in Laravel, Symfony, and WordPress

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PHP – MySQLi Extension

This is one of many extensions that PHP has to communicate with databases. It is more than clear that this extension is for communicating with MySQL-type DBMS, and the ‘i’ in its name stands for ‘improved,’ meaning enhanced. Introduction In this post, we will see what the extension consists of, so we won’t see much […]

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PHP mysqli_sql_exception class

PHP mysqli_sql_exception is the class that manages exceptions within the mysqli extension. final class mysqli_sql_exception extends RuntimeException { /* Properties */ protected string $sqlstate = "00000"; /* Inherited properties */ protected string $message = ""; private string $string = ""; protected int $code; protected string $file = ""; protected int $line; private array $trace = […]

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PHP mysqli_warning class

The class mysqli_warning represents a MYSQL warning. class mysqli_warning { /* Propiedades */ public $message; public $sqlstate; public $errno; /* Métodos */ public next(): void } Properties $message – message that gives the warning sqlstate – SQL state (SQLSTATE is a code which identifies SQL error conditions) errno – error number Methods __construct The constructor is private and therefore will not allow direct instantiation of a class. private mysqli_warning::__construct() next Fetches the next warning. public mysqli_warning::next(): […]

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PHP mysql_driver class

This class will represent the connection driver to our DBMS (MYSQL). The class mysqli_driver is an instance of the monostate pattern (monostate design pattern), meaning there is a single driver that can be accessed by an arbitrary number of mysqli_driver instances. class mysqli_driver { /* Propiedades */ public readonly string $client_info; public readonly string $client_version; […]

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