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JavaScript Objects

On JavaScript all is an object or is part of one, inclusive the variables that you declare on the global scope form part of an object, and we will be watching this type of things in this post of JavaScript Objects.

First, lest start with what I before mentioned, ¿where belongs a variable that is created in global scope?

The object that represent the document is object document (DOM – document object model)

On the other hand, we have the BOM(Browser Object Model) and the GJO(Global Javascript object). This 3 object are build-in object and come with the browser.

Our variable belongs to GJO, we interact with DOM when we call document. GJO always exists.

Let’s go with the principal part of this post and what you want to know, how to declare objects, add properties and methods.

How to declare an Object

we have multiple forms to declare an object in JavaScript nowadays, and we are going to see all this forms.

Declaring objects using { }

Let’s make an object called car, that will have brand, doors and as methods startCar, shutdownCar

declaring an object with {}
var car = {
	doors :2,
	//ahora 2 metodos
		alert("the car is turned on");
		alert("the car is turned off");

//what happen if i do this?(of course it will give us undefined)
car.direccion = "electric";
alert(car.direction);//we have added the property direction

This form of declaring the object is called literal notation, lets see the same object but declaring it in another way:

Declaring an empty object first
var car ={};
//we can add the properties and methods after declaring the object too 
car.brand ="jaguar";
car.shutdownCar = function(){
   alert("the car is turned off");

Declaring an object using a new Object()

Same example using new Object().

creando el objeto con new Object()
var car= new Object();
car.brand ="jaguar";
car.shutdownCar = function(){
   alert("the car is turned off");

Besides, when we use new Object() we are using a construction notation

Creating a constructor for an object

On JavaScript, we can create a constructor creating a function, how is this? let’s create again our car object.

using a construct function
function car(brand,doors){
   this.brand = brand;
   this.doors = doors;
   this.shutdownCar = function(){
      alert("the car is turned off");
//we can create an object
var x1 = new car("Jaguar",4);
alert(x1.brand);//will return Jaguar

So we can create an object constructor creating a function and using the keyword this inside of it, and ¿what is this? Well, with this we are reference the object itself.

Declaration class

Since ES6 we can use the declaration class to make a class that we can instantiate with new.

Let’s check the sintaxis of this declaration:

class name [extends] {
  // Contenido de la clase

As you can see you can use inheritance with the keyword extends. This dont mean that you could not use inheritance before ES6 you can but is not so easy to understand.

A quick example:

usando la declaración class
class vehiculo {
	puertas = null;
	ruedas = 2;
		this.ruedas = r;
		this.puertas = p;
		console.log(`el vehiculo tiene ${this.puertas} puertas y ${this.ruedas} ruedas`);

var a = new vehiculo(6,5);
el vehiculo tiene 6 puertas y 5 ruedas

Using expression class

We can use the expression class too, like we use function expression we can do the same thing with classes.

Sintaxis / Sintax
var MyClass = class [className] [extends] {
  // class body

As example I will remake the vehiculo class.

expresion class
var vehiculo = class {
	puertas = null;
	ruedas = 2;
		this.ruedas = r;
		this.puertas = p;
		console.log(`el vehiculo tiene ${this.puertas} puertas y ${this.ruedas} ruedas`);

var a = new vehiculo(6,5);
el vehiculo tiene 6 puertas y 5 ruedas
Category: en-javascript
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