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PHP Cookies

Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser to monitor or identify users who return to the website. This is precisely the definition given to us on

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PHP functions

Functions in PHP are blocks of code or subalgorithms that can be reused and help solve a specific task. Functions must be defined before they are called or referenced.

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PHP scandir function

The PHP scandir function will return an indexed array of the files and directories within the specified directory path.

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PHP chown function

Just as on Linux, chown (change owner) in PHP changes the owner of the specified file or directory.

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PHP chgrp function

Today we will see what the PHP function chgrp does. In this post, we will deviate a little from what is given on Why? This is because PHP, in many of its naming conventions, draws from those of Linux, and I believe that a better explanation is to talk about both.

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