The array_chunk function is responsible for dividing a provided array into chunks or parts. It will return a new array, which will be the one that is divided into segments as the result.
Leer mas..It returns all the keys in a new array; this will be an indexed array. If you use $search_value in the parameters, it will return an array that contains a subset of keys with that value.
Leer mas..The array_column function in PHP returns the values corresponding to a specified column from the provided array. array_column(array $array, int|string|null $column_key, int|string|null $index_key = null): array $acolumn = array_column($array,$column_key,$index_key); $acolumn = array_column($array,$column_key) Parameters $array – The array from which we will obtain our column. $column_key – The column from which we will retrieve the data. […]
Leer mas..Creates a new array by combining two given arrays, where the values of the first array become the keys of the new array, and the values of the second array become the values of this new array.
Leer mas..Removes duplicate values from the array and returns a new array without duplicates.
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