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PHP is one of the languages often used to start programming, I will begin by explaining what a variable is. Then, we’ll look at the types of variables in PHP So, what is a variable? A variable is actually a reserved space in memory that we use, and its value can change, which is why […]
In this section, we will explore all the data types in PHP. Understanding these data types is fundamental to working effectively with PHP, as each type serves a different purpose and has unique characteristics. From basic types like integers and strings to more complex structures like arrays and objects, we’ll cover them all and provide […]
In this article, the different elements that are part of PHP syntax will be shown and explained. First, you need to create a .php file
PHP acronym stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor” (originally “Personal Home Page”). PHP is generally used as server-side programming language that was born in 1995, and it could be said that, along with JavaScript, it is the most popular language in web development. Beside of this it can be used as a general propose language. It is […]
To deploy a Go web application on Apache, we need to understand how the Go language runs a web app. Go uses the net/http package (standard library) for this, which provides implementations for both HTTP clients and HTTP servers.