PHP Advanced

PHP Advanced is a continuation of the PHP 101 tutorial. If you haven’t read the basics, you should probably start there or at least take a look. You can find the PHP 101 content at the following link [PHP 101 tutorial]

Creando variables, funciones y clases variables This topic isn’t as easy to grasp. Imagine you need to call a class based on a retrieved variable. This could very well be a use case for an MVC framework where you receive a path, and based on that path, you determine the controller to use in the background. This also applies to functions where we might need to directly call one based on the value of a variable.
PHP Sessions Many times on our pages need sections for our users; we will see how to handle this topic and what use we can give to sessions
PHP Cookies We’ll be seen the $_COOKIES array and the setcookies function
PHP compact() In this article, we will see how using compact() makes our code much cleaner
Using php://input Let’s make a quick look to php://input

Web pages Security
Users data security We will look at some key considerations regarding user data security.
Preventing the XSS attacks We will se some differents XSS attacks and how to Prevent XSS
Data encryption in PHP Today we will see how we can encrypt data in PHP, but first of all, we should take a look at what encryption is…
CSRF protection in PHP CSRF protection in PHP


In this section, we will cover the topic of sending emails and all the necessary processes to do so.

PHP mail()Sending Emails with PHP mail() function
PHPMailer Sending email with PHPMailer

Design Patterns

the following patterns are the most used in PHP, im not going to do any post about this on the short term but you can check those patterns in

strategy pattern
abastract factory

File system

Path information

PHP dirname() functionThe PHP dirname function allows us to obtain the path of parent directories based on the specified path and level
PHP basename function basename is a good function to get the file name cause it returns the name of the last element in the given path
PHP pathinfo()The PHP pathinfo function in PHP returns information about the path of a file or directory in the form of an associative array or a string

permissions and ownership

PHP chown function Just as on Linux, chown (change owner) in PHP changes the owner of the specified file or directory.
PHP chmod function With chmod we can modifying the permissions of that file or directory.
PHP chgrp function Once we have seen chmod and chown, we also need to know how to change the group of a file (whether it is a file or a directory)

folder and file

Creating directories with mkdir At some point in your program, it’s likely that you’ll need to create a directory or folder for your files. In this section, we’ll cover this topic.
Uploading files with PHP to ur server Lets take a look on how to upload files to our server
Creating files in PHP The purpose of this article is to know how to creates files with PHP
Using file_get_contents nn PHP In this article, we will discuss how to use file_get_contents in PHP to retrieve data from a file or a web page.
Delete a file in PHP In PHP, the unlink() function allows you to delete a file from the server.

Object-Oriented Programming

Classes and objects We will enter the world of object-oriented programming.
Abstract classes in PHP An introduction to abstract classes
NamespacesWhat are namespaces, what are they not, how are they used, and their benefits
PHP Traits In this section, we will look at traits, a new feature added since PHP 5.4
Magic Methods You will see the set of methods that can be called when we work with objects.

Handling Dates and Time

In cases where we need to work with dates and timezones, such as forums with users from different countries, we should use date classes.
Handling dates with PHP date function In this section, we will see how to handle dates in PHP with the date function
PHP class DateTimePHP class DateTime
PHP class DateInterval PHP class DateInterval
PHP class DateTimeZone PHP Class DateTimeZone