PHP DateTimeZone Class
The DateTimeZone
class is responsible for representing a timezone.
Below we can see the class description, which shows its constants as well as its methods.
Description / Descripciónclass DateTimeZone { /* Constants */ const int AFRICA = 1; const int AMERICA = 2; const int ANTARCTICA = 4; const int ARCTIC = 8; const int ASIA = 16; const int ATLANTIC = 32; const int AUSTRALIA = 64; const int EUROPE = 128; const int INDIAN = 256; const int PACIFIC = 512; const int UTC = 1024; const int ALL = 2047; const int ALL_WITH_BC = 4095; const int PER_COUNTRY = 4096; /* Methods */ public __construct(string $timezone) public getLocation(): array|false public getName(): string public getOffset(DateTimeInterface $datetime): int public getTransitions(int $timestampBegin = PHP_INT_MIN, int $timestampEnd = PHP_INT_MAX): array|false public static listAbbreviations(): array public static listIdentifiers(int $timezoneGroup = DateTimeZone::ALL, ?string $countryCode = null): array }
as a reference to the object created with the class.
Let’s make a small example with a constant:
getting the zone constat<?php $zone = DateTimeZone::AFRICA; echo $zone;
OK, but this doesn’t seem too useful, where do we use the constants?
Let’s do a second example, this time creating a new DateTimeZone
<?php $d = new DateTimeZone("Africa/Abidjan"); $thelist=$d->listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::AFRICA); echo var_dump($thelist);
array(52) { [0]=> string(14) "Africa/Abidjan" [1]=> string(12) "Africa/Accra" [2]=> string(18) "Africa/Addis_Ababa" [3]=> string(14) "Africa/Algiers" [4]=> string(13) "Africa/Asmara" [5]=> string(13) "Africa/Bamako" [6]=> string(13) "Africa/Bangui" [7]=> string(13) "Africa/Banjul" [8]=> string(13) "Africa/Bissau" [9]=> string(15) "Africa/Blantyre" [10]=> string(18) "Africa/Brazzaville" [11]=> string(16) "Africa/Bujumbura" [12]=> string(12) "Africa/Cairo" [13]=> string(17) "Africa/Casablanca" [14]=> string(12) "Africa/Ceuta" [15]=> string(14) "Africa/Conakry" [16]=> string(12) "Africa/Dakar" [17]=> string(20) "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam" [18]=> string(15) "Africa/Djibouti" [19]=> string(13) "Africa/Douala" [20]=> string(15) "Africa/El_Aaiun" [21]=> string(15) "Africa/Freetown" [22]=> string(15) "Africa/Gaborone" [23]=> string(13) "Africa/Harare" [24]=> string(19) "Africa/Johannesburg" [25]=> string(11) "Africa/Juba" [26]=> string(14) "Africa/Kampala" [27]=> string(15) "Africa/Khartoum" [28]=> string(13) "Africa/Kigali" [29]=> string(15) "Africa/Kinshasa" [30]=> string(12) "Africa/Lagos" [31]=> string(17) "Africa/Libreville" [32]=> string(11) "Africa/Lome" [33]=> string(13) "Africa/Luanda" [34]=> string(17) "Africa/Lubumbashi" [35]=> string(13) "Africa/Lusaka" [36]=> string(13) "Africa/Malabo" [37]=> string(13) "Africa/Maputo" [38]=> string(13) "Africa/Maseru" [39]=> string(14) "Africa/Mbabane" [40]=> string(16) "Africa/Mogadishu" [41]=> string(15) "Africa/Monrovia" [42]=> string(14) "Africa/Nairobi" [43]=> string(15) "Africa/Ndjamena" [44]=> string(13) "Africa/Niamey" [45]=> string(17) "Africa/Nouakchott" [46]=> string(18) "Africa/Ouagadougou" [47]=> string(17) "Africa/Porto-Novo" [48]=> string(15) "Africa/Sao_Tome" [49]=> string(14) "Africa/Tripoli" [50]=> string(12) "Africa/Tunis" [51]=> string(15) "Africa/Windhoek" }
Lista de Constantes
- Africa time zones.
- America time zones.
- Antarctica time zones.
- Arctic time zones.
- Asia time zones.
- Atlantic time zones.
- Australia time zones.
- Europe time zones.
- Indian time zones.
- Pacific time zones.
- UTC time zones.
- All time zones.
- All time zones including backwards compatible.
- Time zones per country.
I think that’s enough to understand the constants, let’s now take a look at the methods
In this section, we will see the different methods that DateTimeZone
The constructor method has one mandatory argument, which creates a new DateTimeZone
object. $timezone
must be a string and can take the following values: timezone name, offset value like "+0200"
, "-0100"
, or timezone abbreviation like "BST"
, "CEST"
, etc.
public DateTimeZone::__construct(string $timezone)
I won’t provide examples, since they were already mentioned in the constants section.
Returns information about a timezone
Descriptionpublic DateTimeZone::getLocation(): arraySintaxis
Returns an array containing information about the timezone, or false
on failure.
<?php $tz = new DateTimeZone("America/Costa_Rica"); print_r($tz->getLocation()); ?>
Array ( [country_code] => CR [latitude] => 9.93333 [longitude] => -84.08334 [comments] => )
Although this method may not seem useful, knowing the country code can be really helpful.
Returns the timezone name as a string
Descriptionpublic DateTimeZone::getName(): stringSintaxis
$obj->getName()getName method exampe
<?php $tz = new DateTimeZone("America/Costa_Rica"); print_r($tz->getName()); ?>
Returns the timezone’s GMT offset in seconds from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset.
Descriptionpublic DateTimeZone::getOffset(DateTime $datetime): intSintaxis
In the PHP website there’s an example about this, but I’ve modified it a bit to use Uruguay and Spain as reference countries. Spain is 2 hours ahead of GMT, and Uruguay is 3 hours behind at the time of writing this post
<?php $dateTimeZoneMontevideo = new DateTimeZone("America/Montevideo"); $dateTimeZoneMadrid = new DateTimeZone("Europe/Madrid"); $dateTimeMontevideo = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneMontevideo); $dateTimeMadrid = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneMadrid); $timeOffset = $dateTimeZoneMadrid->getOffset($dateTimeMontevideo); $timeOffset2= $dateTimeZoneMontevideo->getOffset($dateTimeMadrid); var_dump($timeOffset); var_dump($timeOffset2);
int(7200) int(-10800)
We can see that this integer represents the hours of Spain and Uruguay in seconds, since and
This method returns the transitions of the timezone. Keep in mind that many countries have multiple timezones cause of the DST(Daylight Saving Time). For example, Uruguay is 3 hours behind GMT, but during summer this time changes.
method descriptionpublic DateTimeZone::getTransitions(int $timestampBegin = PHP_INT_MIN, int $timestampEnd = PHP_INT_MAX): array|falseSintaxis
The method description shows that we have a start timestamp and an end timestamp. With them, we define the period in which we want to obtain the transitions.
getTransition Example<?php $zona_horaria = new DateTimeZone("America/Montevideo"); $transiciones = $zona_horaria->getTransitions(631152000,PHP_INT_MAX);//631152000 se refiere al año 1990 print_r(array_slice($transiciones, 0, 3)); ?>
This would be the first 3 transitions since 1990.
Returns an associative array containing the DST(Daylight Saving Time), offset, and the timezone name
Descriptionpublic static DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations(): arraySintaxis
For Example:
getting all abbreviations from Australia<?php $timezone_abbreviations = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations(); print_r($timezone_abbreviations["acst"]); ?>
In this example, all the abbreviations for ACST (Australian Central Standard Time) will be obtained.
This returns a numerically indexed array containing all the defined time zone identifiers.
Descriptionpublic static DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(int $timezoneGroup = DateTimeZone::ALL, ?string $countryCode = null)Sintaxis
We have already done an example of listidentifiers
before in constants, but I made a mistake that you should not make and that is that I called the method with ->
instead of ::
although it worked anyway, this does not always work.
Let’s see a simple example with the identifiers of Australia.
listIdentifiers example<?php $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::AUSTRALIA); var_dump($timezone_identifiers) ?>
array(11) { [0]=> string(18) "Australia/Adelaide" [1]=> string(18) "Australia/Brisbane" [2]=> string(21) "Australia/Broken_Hill" [3]=> string(16) "Australia/Darwin" [4]=> string(15) "Australia/Eucla" [5]=> string(16) "Australia/Hobart" [6]=> string(18) "Australia/Lindeman" [7]=> string(19) "Australia/Lord_Howe" [8]=> string(19) "Australia/Melbourne" [9]=> string(15) "Australia/Perth" [10]=> string(16) "Australia/Sydney" }