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HTML5 lazy loading

And finally, HTML5 lazy loading has arrived in all browsers. This will help you load images on your page lazily so they don't interfere with the page load, but you can also apply this lazy loading to iframes.

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general knowdlege
What are APIs?

The term APIs refers to application programming interfaces, but what does this really mean? When we create an API, what we're actually doing is creating an interface so that other programmers can communicate with our application. Essentially, they can use our program. A simple example is Amazon, which has its own API for products so that affiliates can display them on their website. This is a RESTful API.

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How to prevent XSS attacks

In this post, we will see how to prevent XSS attacks, we will see how to partially avoid attacks of this nature on the Front-End, and we will see what we must do on the Back-End side.

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HTML Block Elements

HTML Block Elements, these are all elements that are considered block elements, which have certain characteristics. The most important characteristic is that they take up the full width that is available.

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HTML inline elements

HTML inline elements are those elements that are displayed inline by default (display: inline). In some cases, some of these elements may also come with the default value inline-block, depending on the browser we use, which we will indicate for each element that this can happen. <a> The anchor element, this element, serves to create […]

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