PHP pagination

This post will focus more on covering the fundamentals of how pagination is done in a programming language, and, of course, the language we will use is PHP.

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PHP array_is_list function

The PHP function array_is_list checks whether the provided array is a list. However, don’t confuse this with the list function. What it means by “a list” is whether the array is indexed and starts at 0. This way, we can use list if the array meets these criteria.

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PHP array_count_values function

It counts the number of times a value appears in the provided array and returns an associative array where the keys are the values from the provided array, and the values are the number of times the value appears in the provided array.

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PHP count function

We can use the count function on an array to count all its elements. It can also be used on an object, but the object must implement the Countable interface. For example:

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PHP array_chunk function

The array_chunk function is responsible for dividing a provided array into chunks or parts. It will return a new array, which will be the one that is divided into segments as the result.

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PHP array_keys function

It returns all the keys in a new array; this will be an indexed array. If you use $search_value in the parameters, it will return an array that contains a subset of keys with that value.

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PHP array_combine function

Creates a new array by combining two given arrays, where the values of the first array become the keys of the new array, and the values of the second array become the values of this new array.

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PHP array_values function

This PHP function will return all the values of the array in an indexed array.

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PHP list constructor

Assign variables as if they were an array, at least that’s the definition on I would say it assigns the elements of the array to variables, variables that will be created when we pass them as parameters to list.

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PHP array functions

Here, we will see the functions that can be used with an array. We’ll divide the different functions into sections to make it more understandable and readable. In this list of functions, there are two that are actually constructors, one is array, and the other is list Constructors constructor description return array creates an array […]

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