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PHP mysql_driver class
This class will represent the connection driver to our DBMS (MYSQL).
The class mysqli_driver is an instance of the monostate pattern (monostate design pattern), meaning there is a single driver that can be accessed by an arbitrary number of mysqli_driver instances.
Sinopsis / Synopsisclass mysqli_driver { /* Propiedades */ public readonly string $client_info; public readonly string $client_version; public readonly string $driver_version; public readonly string $embedded; public bool $reconnect; public int $report_mode; /* Métodos */ embedded_server_end(): void embedded_server_start(bool $start, array $arguments, array $groups): bool }
The client API version header.
The client version.
The following property is deprecated as of PHP 8.1.
The version of the MySQLi driver.
The following property is deprecated as of PHP 8.0
– Indicates if support for Embedded MySQLi is enabled
Allow or prevent reconnection (see the mysqli.reconnect INI directive)
The $report_mode property can have the following values:
- MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF (no reports)
- MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL (report all errors)
- MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT (throw exceptions for errors)
- MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR (error reporting)
- MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX (index-related errors)
Both methods were removed as of version 7.4; their use is not recommended
– Stops the embedded server
– Initializes and starts the embedded server
Category: en-php
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