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PHP isset function
PHP isset function check if a variable is defined and not null, so, if the variable is not defined it will return false, if the variable is null it will return false
. If the variable is defined, it will return true
isset(mixed $var, mixed ...$vars): boolSintaxis / Sintax
– The variable is defined and its value is not null.
– The variable is null or not defined.
Check if multiple variables are defined.
Keep in mind that we can check one or several variables at once, for example:
chequeando múltiples variablesisset($a,$b,$c)
If checking multiple variables, all variables must be defined and not null in order to return true.
Check if an index exists in an array.
$miArray = array('Roberto', 'Juan', 'Marta'); if (isset($miArray[0])) { echo "El índice 0 es".$miArray[0]; }
Many times, isset
is used to prevent errors of type “Undefined variable” or “Undefined index” that may occur when trying to access a variable that has not been defined or does not exist.
Category: en-php
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