Categories in WordPress
In this post, we’ll see how to create categories in WordPress, subcategories, and what the code is that defines one or more categories in a template.
Putting our posts into categories is a good way to group our posts and then have them displayed.
Categories apply to posts, which is why creating a category is found in the Posts tab.
On the image before we can see how to create a new category and how to put or not this one as subcategory, you may put a category as subcategory of other specifing its parent(Parent Category).
Observe that in this post i was created a category called “php” with slug “php-slug” ¿What will use wordpress the slug or the name in a URL?
WordPress will use the slug instead of the name in the url
Category Template
We can create a page for categories, in an older post we see the loop and how to create a simple index.php now we’re going to create a category.php file, remember if wordpress do not have a category.php it will load the index file instead, this is explained in WordPress template hirarchy.
I going to take what we do on “the loop” post and i will change it slightly, this code as is actually works is the code im using it to show you the slug example.
<?php /**this is a basic wordpress loop */ get_header(); if(is_category()): if ( have_posts() ) { // Load posts loop. while ( have_posts() ) { the_post();?> <a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"> <h1><?php the_title();?></h1> </a> <?php the_content(); } } else{ echo "no post to be showed"; } endif; get_footer();
In this example I added “is category” function that checks if is a category instead of do the loop in vain.
Customize your Category
As I write in WordPress template hierarchy, categories can be customized using a slug or an id being the files in the following way:
- category-$slug.php
- category-$ID.php
Let’s create a file with slug for example think that you are creating a site of recipes, the category that I want would it be desserts, thus I will put that name as slug.
Now we have to create that file “category-desserts.php”, and now I’m going to copy and change a little what I have in category.php.
I’m going to put this image when the category is desserts, to notice the difference between a normal category and this one.
Then you have to enter in category/postres in my case my project is called test so my URL will be:
<style> .header_postre{ background:url('') no-repeat; background-size: 50px 50px; } h1{ margin-left:50px; } <?php /**this is a basic wordpress loop */ get_header(); if(is_category("postres")): echo "<div class='header_postre'><h1>"; echo "Postres"; echo "</h1></div>"; if ( have_posts() ) { // Load posts loop. while ( have_posts() ) { the_post();?> <a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"> <h1><?php the_title();?> </a> <?php the_content(); } } else{ echo "no post to be showed"; } endif; get_footer();
Functions that you can use in categories
is_category($category)Check if is the category assigned to the variable $category, by default the value is “”, is_category permit us using it without parameter when we are in a category page and check if is a category
get_categories()Obtain all the categories that you added on WordPress via post > categories
get_the_category()Returns an array of objects WP_Term
You may obtain the category id with the following code:
$category = get_the_category(); echo $category[0]->cat_ID;get_cat_name( $cat_id )
To obtain the category name we can use get_cat_name, we only need to pass the category id as a parameter
single_cat_title( ”, false);Also, we can get the category name with this one too, single_cat_title(“”,false) this does not print the name of the category on the screen, only obtain it, so you can obtain it and use it in a variable.