Berserker PHP string functions supported
In these pages, you can see what string functions are supported by berserker and what ones are not.
Probably not all functions will be supported by berserker package, the reason is that not all functions are used for the web development or are not widely used, and another functions are simple alias of another.
In case you as a user see that is a function that you sometimes use, and is not covered by berserk package, you can comment about it and I will add it to the package.
PHP function | corresponding function in berserker | supported |
addcslashes | not(will not have) | |
addslashes | bStrings::addSlashes | yes |
bin2hex | bStrings::binToHex | yes |
chop / rtrim | bStrings::trimRight | yes |
chr | no | |
chunk_split | no | |
convert_uudecode | no | |
convert_uuencode | no | |
count_chars | no | |
crc32 | bStrings::CRC32 | yes |
crypt | no | |
echo | bStrings::echo | yes |
explode | bStrings::explode | yes |
fprintf | no | |
get_html_translation_table | will not be supported | |
hebrev | bStrings::hebrev | yes |
hex2bin | bStrings::hexToBin | yes |
html_entity_decode | bStrings::htmlEntityDecode | no |
htmlentities | bStrings::htmlEntities | yes |
htmlspecialchars | bStrings::htmlSpecialChars | yes |
htmlspecialchars_decode | no | |
implode / join | bStrings::implode | yes |
lcfirst | bStrings::lowercase1stChar | yes |
levenshtein | bStrings::levenshtein | yes |
localeconv | bStrings::localConversion | yes |
ltrim | bStrings::trimLeft | yes |
md5 | not recommended | |
md5_file | not recommended | |
metaphone | will not be added | |
money_format | deprecated | |
nl_langinfo | will not be added | |
nl2br | will not be added | |
number_format | bStrings::numFormat | yes |
ord | ||
parse_str | ||
will not be added | ||
printf | will not be added | |
quoted_printable_decode | ||
quoted_printable_encode | ||
quotemeta | ||
setlocale | next version important | |
sha1 | not recommended | |
sha1_file | not recommended | |
similar_text | bStrings::similarities | yes |
soundex | ? | |
sprintf | ? | |
sscanf | bStrings::parseWithFormat | yes |
str_contains | bStrings::contains | yes |
str_decrement | bStrings::decrement | yes |
str_ends_with | bstrings::isEndedWith | yes |
str_getcsv | bStrings::csvToArray | yes |
str_increment | bStrings::increment | yes |
str_ireplace | ||
str_pad | ||
str_repeat | bStrings::repeat | ? |
str_replace | bStrings::replace | yes |
str_rot13 | will not( its a Cesar cipher) | |
str_shuffle | ? | |
str_split | ? | |
str_starts_with | itsStartsWith | yes |
str_word_count | ? | |
strcasecmp | bStrings:compareCaseIgnore | yes |
strchr / strstr | ||
strcmp | bStrings::compare | yes |
strcoll | bStrings::localeCompare | ? |
strcspn | bStrings::segMismatchLen | ? |
strip_tags | bStrings::stripTags | yes |
stripcslashes | will not be supported | |
stripos | bSubstrings::firstPositionOf | |
stripslashes | bStrings::stripSlashes | yes |
stristr | ||
strlen | bStrings::length | yes |
strnatcasecmp | naturalOCompare | ? |
strnatcmp | compareByNatOrd | yes |
strpbrk | bString::cutFromChar | (will be added on next version) |
strpos | bString::findFirstIndex | (will be added in next version) |
strrchr | bStrings::cutFromLastChar | (will be added on next version) |
strrev | bStrings::reverse | yes |
strripos | ||
strrpos | bStrings::LastSubstrIndex | (will be added in next version) |
strspn | ? | |
strtok | tokenizer | ? |
strtolower | bStrings::lowercase | yes |
strtoupper | bStrings::uppercase | yes |
strtr | ? | |
substr | bStrings:subString | yes |
substr_compare | bStrings::compare | (will be added in next version) |
substr_count | bStrings::textCount | (will be added in next version) |
substr_replace | – | ? |
trim | bStrings::trimBoth /::trim maybe adeed | yes |
ucfirst | bStrings::uppercaseFL | no |
ucwords | ? dont see the seens on this | |
vfprintf | ? | |
vprintf | ? | |
vsprintf | ? | |
wordwrap | ? dont see the sense on this |