Berserker PHP string functions supported

Berserker PHP string functions supported

Berserker orignal image
Berserker project

In these pages, you can see what string functions are supported by berserker and what ones are not.

Probably not all functions will be supported by berserker package, the reason is that not all functions are used for the web development or are not widely used, and another functions are simple alias of another.

In case you as a user see that is a function that you sometimes use, and is not covered by berserk package, you can comment about it and I will add it to the package.

PHP function corresponding function in berserker supported
addcslashes not(will not have)
addslashes bStrings::addSlashes yes
bin2hex bStrings::binToHex yes
chop / rtrim bStrings::trimRight yes
chr no
chunk_split no
convert_uudecode no
convert_uuencode no
count_chars no
crc32 bStrings::CRC32 yes
crypt no
echo bStrings::echo yes
explode  bStrings::explode yes
fprintf no
get_html_translation_table will not be supported
hebrev bStrings::hebrev yes
hex2bin bStrings::hexToBin yes
html_entity_decode bStrings::htmlEntityDecode no
htmlentities bStrings::htmlEntities yes
htmlspecialchars bStrings::htmlSpecialChars yes
htmlspecialchars_decode no
implode / join bStrings::implode yes
lcfirst bStrings::lowercase1stChar yes
levenshtein bStrings::levenshtein yes
localeconv bStrings::localConversion yes
ltrim bStrings::trimLeft yes
md5 not recommended
md5_file not recommended
metaphone will not be added
money_format deprecated
nl_langinfo will not be added
nl2br will not be added
number_format bStrings::numFormat yes
print will not be added
printf will not be added
setlocale next version important
sha1 not recommended
sha1_file not recommended
similar_text bStrings::similarities yes
soundex ?
sprintf ?
sscanf bStrings::parseWithFormat yes
str_contains bStrings::contains yes
str_decrement bStrings::decrement yes
str_ends_with bstrings::isEndedWith yes
str_getcsv bStrings::csvToArray yes
str_increment bStrings::increment yes
str_repeat bStrings::repeat ?
str_replace bStrings::replace yes
str_rot13 will not( its a Cesar cipher)
str_shuffle ?
str_split ?
str_starts_with itsStartsWith yes
str_word_count ?
strcasecmp bStrings:compareCaseIgnore yes
strchr / strstr
strcmp bStrings::compare yes
strcoll bStrings::localeCompare ?
strcspn bStrings::segMismatchLen ?
strip_tags bStrings::stripTags yes
stripcslashes will not be supported
stripos bSubstrings::firstPositionOf
stripslashes bStrings::stripSlashes yes
strlen bStrings::length yes
strnatcasecmp naturalOCompare ?
strnatcmp compareByNatOrd yes
strpbrk bString::cutFromChar (will be added on next version)
strpos bString::findFirstIndex (will be added in next version)
strrchr bStrings::cutFromLastChar (will be added on next version)
strrev bStrings::reverse yes
strrpos bStrings::LastSubstrIndex (will be added in next version)
strspn ?
strtok tokenizer ?
strtolower bStrings::lowercase yes
strtoupper bStrings::uppercase yes
strtr ?
substr bStrings:subString yes
substr_compare bStrings::compare (will be added in next version)
substr_count bStrings::textCount (will be added in next version)
substr_replace ?
trim bStrings::trimBoth /::trim maybe adeed yes
ucfirst bStrings::uppercaseFL no
ucwords ? dont see the seens on this
vfprintf ?
vprintf ?
vsprintf ?
wordwrap ? dont see the sense on this
Berserker PHP string functions supported Table