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PHP – What are generators?

In PHP, a generator allows you to write code that uses foreach to iterate over a dataset without needing to load the entire array into memory. Loading an array into memory can exceed memory limits or require a significant amount of processing time to generate.

Generators, or generator functions, help address this issue because they don’t return everything in a single return. Instead of return, generator functions use the yield statement.

Generator functions can return as many yield statements as needed.

In essence, a generator is a function that contains the yield statement instead of return. When called for the first time, the function with yield creates a generator class object.

Generator object

This object implements the Iterator interface in the same way as a forward-only iterator object and provides methods that can be invoked to manipulate the state of the generator, including sending values to it and returning values from it.

Its structure is as follows:

Description / Descripción
Generator implements Iterator {
/* Métodos */
public current ( void ) : mixed
public getReturn ( void ) : mixed
public key ( void ) : mixed
public next ( void ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public send ( mixed $value ) : mixed
public throw ( Throwable $exception ) : mixed
public valid ( void ) : bool
public __wakeup ( void ) : void

When a generator function is called, it returns an object that can be iterated over. When iterating over that object (e.g., with a foreach loop), PHP will call the generator function each time a value is needed and will save the generator’s state when it provides a value with yield. This allows the state to be restored when the next value is required.

This explanation sets the foundation for understanding how generators work efficiently in PHP.

An example of
function xrange($start, $limit, $step = 1) {
    if ($start < $limit) {
        if ($step <= 0) {
            throw new LogicException('Step tiene que ser +ve');

        for ($i = $start; $i <= $limit; $i += $step) {
            yield $i;
    } else {
        if ($step >= 0) {
            throw new LogicException('Step tiene que ser -ve');

        for ($i = $start; $i >= $limit; $i += $step) {
            yield $i;

 * Obsereve que tanto range() como xrange() producen la misma
 * salida a continuación.

echo 'Números impares de una cifra de range():  ';
foreach (range(1, 9, 2) as $number) {
    echo "$number ";
echo "\n";

echo 'Números impares de una cifra de xrange():  ';
foreach (xrange(1, 9, 2) as $number) {
    echo "$number ";

In this example provided on, the range function is compared with a generator function xrange(). As mentioned earlier, xrange will use significantly less memory. According to the calculations, xrange(0,10000,1) would use about 1 KB of memory, whereas range(0,10000,1) would use 100 MB for the same amount of numbers.

This highlights the efficiency of generators when dealing with large data sets.

Important:Remember, you create the generator functions, and it’s your ability to detect when to use them or not that will make their usage meaningful


Category: en-php
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