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PHP array_key_exists function

The PHP function array_key_exists checks whether the given value exists as a key in the provided array.

Description / Descripción
array_key_exists(string|int $key, array $array): bool


$key – The value we will pass as a parameter to check if it exists as a key in the provided array.

$array – The array we provide for the check.


It will return true if there is a key with the value of $key, and false if there is not.


We will continue with the car brands since it’s easy to use the same array:

$marcasDeAutos = array(

	echo "Ford es key del array";
	echo "Ford no es key del array";
Ford no es key del array

On the other hand, if we do something like this:

$auto = array(
    "marca" => "Toyota",
    "modelo" => "Corolla",
    "año" => 2023,
    "color" => "Plata",
    "precio" => 25000,
    "transmision" => "Automática",
    "motor" => "2.0L",
    "kilometraje" => 15000

	echo "marca es key del array";
	echo "marca no es key del array";
marca es key del array
Category: en-php
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